Things You Must Focus on Result Section in Dissertation

Result Section in Dissertation

If you are working on your dissertation, you must keep in mind that every section is equally important and must be dealt with very carefully as each section has its significance and plays a critical role in helping readers understand what it is all about. Along with every other section, the result is also an important part of the dissertation; it can be quite interesting as well as the most challenging sections to write due to the important details that are mentioned here by a dissertation help firm. Many people are instructed to combine the discussion and result section into a single section depending on the teacher’s and university’s guidelines.

On the other hand, there will be the time when you will be asked to write both these sections separately, and it will be up to you to do a good job on this part as it is with your talent and writing skills that you can present the obtained results most impressively and come up with a good paper. Writing the result and discussion as separate sections give you a chance to focus on what type of results you have obtained and set out clearly what happens in the experiments and investigations without worrying about their implications. With this, you can keep the mind centered on what the results show and help to sort them out in the mind most efficiently.  Many students find it easy to combine the results with the implications as they are both closely connected and help readers comprehend the research and its results without wasting time.

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Writing The Result Section:

When writing the result section, you need to make sure that your key experimental results are clearly stated and include any statistical analysis, and if the results are significant.  It is important to cover any literature that supports your interpretation and hold any essential information in this regard. It does not have to include everything you did, especially when it comes to writing a doctorate dissertation, but it should contain the right information that will include the methods that have been used for obtaining these results and how these have worked out for the research.

You must write the results section in the past tense; it is because you are working on what you have already done in the past and how it has happened.  Every result must have a method set out in the methods section. You must go back and check out that you have included all the relevant methods and that every method should have some results. If you are choosing to exclude a certain experiment, you must remove mention of the method so that it does not create any confusion for the readers.

When writing the results section, if you face any confusion regarding the inclusion of certain results, consult the research questions, and see if these results are relevant and would help your case. It does not matter if they are supportive or not, it is about relevance and making a significant contribution to the dissertation.  If they are relevant and you believe they would add value to the paper, you should include them.

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Once you have decided what to include, the next important decision would be in what order to write the results. You need to follow some chronological order which should either follow the methods of research or in order from most to least important in answering the research questions or hypothesis. In addition to this, you also need to consider which is the best way to present the results in this section. You must focus on tables, figures, graphs, or text depending on which one would be the best way to convey the right message to the readers.

Sometimes, long and complicated text can be very tough for readers to read and comprehend and a single table and well-chosen graph will be able to illustrate the overall findings and make things clear and comprehendible. However, when using the tables, figures, and graphs, each of them should have a number and a title. You must not forget to provide a list of tables and figures alongside the table of contents at the beginning of the dissertation so that the reads can find them easily and check out the information without any confusion. Writing a results section should not be taken lightly as it is in this section that all the important details are mentioned that have been derived from the time and efforts you have spent in experiments and research.